Hubsan X4 H107P Plus RC Quadcopter

Battery Charge Time
30 minutes
Remote Frequency
2.4 GHz
Battery Life
Accessories In Box
1 x Transmitter
1 x USB Charging Cable
1 x Li-Po Battery
1 x Extra blade set
The Hubsan X4 Plus H107P RC Quadcopter is the upgraded version of Hubsan’s previously successful quadcopter H107L. Packing the same basic features as its predecessors the H107P is now available in a slightly sturdier package.
While it does not have a camera on board, it features a new 6-axis flight control system that can be adjusted for gyro sensitivity. This also promotes a more stable flight for the flier. Its lightweight airframe has great durability and allows stable flight that is smooth and easy. It is also great for both indoor and outdoor flying. It even features Altitude Hold function.
Fliers will also be able to perform some flips as the quadcopter can flip 4 ways – left, right, forward, backward. This quadcopter is great for both expert fliers and beginners who want an easy quadcopter to learn on.
The X4 Plus H107P uses a LiPO battery that has a capacity of 530 mAh and voltage of 3.7V. It can be charged using a USB charging cable that is connected to a computer or laptop. Due to the lack of a camera, it has a flight time of about 11 minutes and its short charging time of 30 minutes is quite good.
The quadcopter is also equipped with built-in LED lights, 2 of which are blue and the other 2 are white. This not only gives it a cool look but it also makes it easier to spot the quadcopter, especially when flying at nighttime or in dark areas. Its 4 rubber feet add to the ease of landing as they absorb some shock and do not let the quadcopter’s body feel any jerks during a shaky landing, which may result in damaging the aerial machine.
Its 4-channel 2.4GHz frequency remote control is fairly simple to use and get adjusted to. With a control distance of about 100 meters, you can easy monitor the quadcopter.